
Hari Tea, green tea for the soul

Jun 17, 2011

For thousands of years, every culture has a wise person in charge of extracting and blending the healing qualities of plants, herbs and spices. To find this wise people you had to go looking into the caves and mountains to reach them. At present there is no need to travel long distances in their search, you can enjoy and benefit from their ancient treasures in your home. Hari Tea is a line of organic teas made in old fashioned way, selecting herbs and spices by hand, wrapped in 100% pure cotton, so they can release their aroma. Hari Tea infusions are grouped into four categories: Mental: It helps to focus and streamline your mind, feeling relaxed and refreshed. The mental teas are the Hari Tea Mindscape and the Hari Tea Persistence of Memory. Spiritual: Connects you to your inner self and brings you closer to your heart. The spiritual teas are the Hari Tea Within and Without, the Hari Tea Center Calm and the Hari Tea Inner Connection. Creative: Activates your creativity and supports you to enjoy a full equilibrium. The creative teas are the Hari Tea New Sensation and the Hari Tea Life in Balance. Physical: Helps recover from heavy physical exertion, strengthening the body. The physical teas are the Hari Tea Tummy in Harmony and the Hari Tea Inner Flow. Within these four groups of tea infusions, you will find different combinations of herbs and spices specially designed for you. Ginger, Green Tea and Turmeric are ingredients that are repeated in most of them, for their high level healing, delicious aroma and flavor. Ginger has been used by the Chinese for over 2,500 years by applying it to various uses such as nausea, dizziness, digestive processes, respiratory conditions, colds, etc. Green tea is the most consumed beverage in the world, behind only water. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is used to relieve headaches, help eliminate toxins, to prolong youth, etc. Turmeric is a plant that also has been used for some time in Asia for the treatment of various diseases such as gastrointestinal upset, arthritic pain and low power. You can find Hari Tea at our Online Shop and start to benefit now with the wisdom from the past! Namaste, Nina

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